Care for locals
by locals.
Care for locals
by locals.
Dr Daniel
Dr Daniel Malone graduated from the prestigious RMIT Chiropractic double bachelor program, with distinction. Since then, his love of learning, along with a passion for helping and health, have continued and included volunteer health programs in both Samoa and South West Tobago – with other healthcare professionals from all over the globe.
Involved in the industry for over 20 years, and with over 15 years in private practise, Daniel has been trusted with the care of people of all ages and stages of health – including many elite athletes that you would be familiar with, the more mature in our community – trying to maximise their twilight years, kids, parents and everyone in between.
Daniel is a past director of the Australian Chiropractors’ Association (National) and maintains current membership. He has played a number of roles with the Australian Spinal Research foundation and a number of student and community health focused programs.
Away from the practice Daniel’s most important roles are as dad to his young boys (Zac and Artie) and husband to his beautiful wife, Georgia (a full time primary school teacher). He has been involved in basketball, footy and a number of run and triathlon events in the past – and now gets most of his movement on the surf coast trails, golfing, surfing and keeping up with the kids and family dog, Bob.

What we do
We help people of all ages and health stages reduce pain and live a healthier, happier and more active life